“A Focusing-Oriented Approach to Couples Therapy,” Journal of Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, Vol, 6, No 3. 2007.
“Children Feel the Pain of Parents’ Betrayal,” (with Rikki Robbins), Chicago Tribune, Sept 13, 1998.
“Shame, Self-Betrayal, and Focusing,” Bio-Spirituality, Summer Issue, 1994.
“Shame and Focusing,” The Focusing Folio, September. 1993.
"Pitfalls to Deeper Love and Intimacy,” Synergy, October, 1991.
"Working with Anger," New Realities , March/April. 1987.
"Cultivating New Forms of Lasting Commitment," Yoga Journal, May/June. 1987
"Focusing Applied to a Case of Disorientation in Meditation," Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1981.
Assoc. for Transpersonal Psychology Winter Newsletter, 1983, "Report on Open Ground Conference: Existential and Buddhist Approaches to Psychotherapy."
"Love and Desire," Yoga Journal, Jan/Feb. 1983.
"Focusing: A Western Complement to Meditation," Yoga Journal, March/April, 1982.
“Self-Discovery and Hatha Yoga," in American Yoga, Grove Press, New York.
"Getting Clear on Relationships," Yoga Journal, March/April, 1981.
"The Complementary Effects of Meditation and Focusing," The Focusing Folio, No. 2, 1981
"Holistic Health Gaining Recognition," Lifestyle Magazine , January. 1981.
"Person/Planet -- A Conversation with Theodore Roszak," Yoga Journal, Nov/Dec., 1980
"John Amodeo interviews Yogi Bhajan," Yoga Journal , Jan/Feb. 1980.
"The One Way," Yoga Journal , Nov/Dec. 1978,
"The Developing Political Awareness in the Growth Movement," Yoga Journal , July/Aug., 1977.
“Conscious Evolution," Yoga Journal , May/June, 1977.
"Spiritual Practice and the Death of Self-Image," Yoga Journal , Jan/Feb.. 1977.
Also, quoted or interviewed by publications that include: San Jose Mercury News, Rocky Mountain News. Dallas Morning News, Toronto Sun, The Press Democrat, Marin Independent Journal, Sonoma West Times & News. The Bohemian, The San Mateo Times, Cosmopolitan, Complete Woman, M.E.N. Magazine, Prime Health & Fitness, Synergy, and Psychologies Magazine in the UK.